On April 9th at the Drexelbrook Special Event Center in Drexel Hill, PA, the Delaware County Transportation Management Association held its annual conference and trade show. More than 200 planning officials, municipal managers, engineers, and other transportation industry experts throughout Delaware County attended.
The keynote speaker was Leslie Richards, PennDOT Secretary of Transportation who spoke on updating PennDOT Connects and offered insights into current and future Transportation Demand Management Initiatives within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Breakout sessions included: “Autonomous Vehicles” and “I-476 Hard Shoulder Project.”
Carroll Engineering provides traffic and transportation services to municipal clients in Southeast Pennsylvania. For information about Carroll Engineering and our traffic and transportation services, please visit www.carrollengineering.com or contact our Department Manager James Graham, P.E., PTOE at jgraham@carrollengineering.com or 215-343-5700- ext. 276.