Township officials gathered on the morning of Friday March 6th, 2020 for the Montgomery County Association of Township Officials (MCATO) Spring Convention, which is the first of two annual events held each year.
The event was located at the Crowne Plaza in King of Prussia, PA. Township Officials first visited with the exhibitors, then took part in the discussion of various issues affecting the municipalities throughout the Montgomery County region. Attendees got to hear about the newest Public Safety additions to Montgomery County, including the Mobile Communication Center and Drone Truck.Attendees also had the ability to see the truck and tour first-hand outside the event in the parking lot from Montgomery County’s Public Safety Director, Tom Sullivan.
Next, the Montgomery County Health Department advised on the contingency plans for COVID-19 being implemented and answered questions on safety precautions as well as the procedures in place for testing and quarantining. Following this presentation, PSATS Director of Legislative Affairs, Joe Gerdas, spoke on various Legislative Updates, and encouraged attendance at PSATS 2020 Educational Conference & Trade Show taking place on May 3rd through May 6th in Hershey, PA.
Joel Ardman, Vice President and Manager of our Sales and Marketing Department, and Alison McNamee-Herman, Marketing Associate, represented Carroll Engineering Corporation as exhibitors. Carroll Engineering is proud to serve various municipalities in Montgomery County.
For more information about Carroll Engineering and the services we provide, please visit our website at www.carrollengineering.com.