Carroll Engineering attended the Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry Women Influencing Business Professional Development Conference on September 26, 2019. The event was hosted by Bentley Systems in Exton, PA. The day was filled with various keynote speakers, workshops, and networking.
We first heard from the inspiring Sue Weldon, founder of the breast cancer non profit, Unite for HER. Following her keynote were breakout sessions and workshops that covered topics from work life balance, understanding motives in the workplace, and building up women in the workplace. The afternoon ended with an empowering keynote from Adrean Turner, Coach/Author of Turner Coaching, Training and Consulting LLC. The conference provided the perfect space to network alongside women in an array of industries.
Carroll Engineering was represented by our marketing associate, Stephanie LaBorde. For more information about our company, including the services we provide to clients in Chester County, please visit www.carrollengineering.com.